The Libraries will help you navigate through information and serve as your base to pursue a wide-array of intellectual, social, and cultural adventures. The University of Granada library has many exciting services throughout our different locations and branches including: 24-hour facilities, collaborative study spaces, solo space, and online services.
Regarding the tourism field, our libraries provide multiple resources related with your favorite tourism professional interests—books, articles, newspapers, databases and more. The strong convergence of the university expertise on teaching undergraduate and postgraduate programs around the tourism industry and the community of scholars making tourism research support plenty of library resources related with the tourism industry.
We invite you access to our collections of millions of books (including E-books), thousands of serials, and hundreds of databases at all University of Granada locations. Additionally, our librarians and staff will help you in person or virtually with instructional programs, online guides, course reserves, digital projects, equipment, and more.
Please find here more detailed information in English about the University of Granada library services: